Frequently asked questions

How much weight will these support?

Our systems will support at least 500 lbs per closet. Realistically the density of closet storage won’t be enough to weigh more than 500 lbs per closet.

Do I have to use a certain flooring?

The same flooring inside and outside of the closet is required.

What is the lead time?

All orders have a minimum lead time of 13 weeks. In order to reduce warehousing costs, we keep no inventory on hand.

What is the minimum order quantity?

As of now, we are not taking orders less than 25 units.

What size closet will these fit in?

There are specific requirements for you to build your closet. Click here for details.

What about a turning space?

See our specifications page for details

Installation cost?

We do not offer installation at this time. It should take no more than .5 labor hours to install each unit.

What are shipping costs?

Short answer is it depends. Factors include quantity, location, and date. Reach out for a quote.

What a cool product! I’m thinking of launching my own. Do you have any advice?

Thank you! Highly recommend using our product development firm over at 3D-Yes! If you need any other recommendations, send our owner a message at